Photos of Pheasant Chick Brooder Barns
Learn about how pheasant chicks are raised to six weeks of
age in the Windy Ridge Pheasant
Brooder Barns.
After the pheasant chicks have been dried and
sorted, many are moved to the pheasant brooder
barns. Our pheasant brooder barns are climate
controlled so the pheasant chicks can grow in
the appropriate heat, staged to simulate their
natural environment, fed with special feed to
help them grow, and contain an automated
watering troph system to keep the chicks from
drowning. |
There are three stages in the pheasant brooder barns. Every two weeks the pheasant chicks are moved to the next brooder room. Each room is bigger than the last to accommodate the growing pheasant chicks and the temperature is reduced to gradually wean them from the heat required when first hatched. |
At six weeks of age, the pheasant chicks are moved to the pens with the mature pheasant birds or crated and shipped to other breeders who don't have the facilities to raise them from chicks. From April through September each year, our brooder barns house 60,000 pheasant chicks. |