Photos of Pheasant Chick Hatchery
Learn about how pheasant eggs are incubated and hatched at Windy Ridge Pheasant
In our pheasant hatchery, the pheasant eggs are
loaded into incubator trays and then placed in
the cooler on the incubator cart where they
await transfer the incubators. |
Inside the pheasant incubator, the eggs are
machine-turned every hour to keep the heat
evenly distributed and to simulate the natural
actions of the pheasant hen in the wild.
Additionally, the heat and humidity are
monitored manually and by alarms to ensure the
best hatchability rate. |
At about 20 days of age, the pheasant eggs are
transfered to the hatcher which is also closely
monitored for temperature stability. After the
pheasant chicks hatch, they are left to dry and
then sorted, crated for delivery or moved to the
pheasant brooder barns. |