Pheasant Farm
Pheasant Breeder Farm
Pheasant Chick Hatchery
Pheasant Brooder Barns
Adult Pheasant Pens

Photos of Pheasant Breeder Farm

Learn about the breeder farm process at Windy Ridge Pheasant Farm.

Pheasant Hut for Laying Eggs   Pheasant huts are provided for the pheasant hens to lay their eggs. Egg gathering occurs four to five times daily. Huts are laid on their sides to easily reveal the pheasant eggs and then they are gathered by hand.   Hatching Pheasant Eggs being hand-gathered
Pheasant egg washing machine   Pheasant eggs are then carfefully placed onto the egg washing machine where they are gently washed with water that is the perfect temperature for high quality eggs. Then the freshly washed pheasant eggs are sanitized to reduce unwanted bacteria.   Sanitization of hatching pheasant eggs
Hand sorting and crating pheasant eggs   After sanitization the pheasant eggs are hand sorted and placed in flats. The flats are then placed in the cooler where they await transfer to the incubators.   Pheasant eggs placed in cooler

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p. 419.562.4814
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